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Vision Therapy - Change your vision, change your life

Writer's picture: Yann Tyng KooiYann Tyng Kooi

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Our client, M, on how Vision Therapy changed not just the way she sees, but changed her life and her world.

What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a program that aims to improve a person's visual abilities.

Our world of vision is a really amazing one. When you experience vision therapy, it's like seeing the world another way. We have several areas of visual function when we look at something, and sometimes one or some of these areas may need more support.

Not all vision problems can be corrected by spectacles or contact lenses. Vision therapy can treat amblyopia (lazy eye), eye alignment problems (turned eye or squint), eye coordination problems, poorly sustained near focus, inadequate eye-hand coordination and immature perceptual development.

Our vision therapists bring in age-appropriate and enjoyable tasks to demonstrate and improve these specific areas of visual function. Panoptic Vision's Vision Therapy Programs are all tailor-made to suit the specific needs of each child.

Vision therapy, change your vision, change your life

When you get home, you can continue to practise these tasks so that they become automatic and your visual functions gain more agility and strength. When you come for your next visit, our vision therapist will be ready with new activities for you.

Each of these visual functions is vital to helping us enjoy the activities we do every day. Improving just one visual skill can make the difference that allows us to ride a bike, write everything the right way around, or score in a spelling test. Not many of us are aware of this, but the way the brain understands the images it receives from the eyes is actually a learned skill and not present at birth.

By the age of 8, most visual perception skills improve to almost that of an adult.

We may take it for granted that just because we see something, we're able to do something as well. The brain actually needs to learn to coordinate visual information with movement information. Many things can interrupt normal visual development in the early years which impact on the development of learning skills which are later needed for literacy, numeracy and all written learning tasks. Vision skills, like any other skill, must be practised enough to be automatic so they don’t reduce attention and concentration levels.

Vision Therapy improved M´s life

“I never knew how little I could see until I saw.” - M, 16 years old

We recently worked with a 16-year-old who came to us with vision issues. She always knew she had a problem with her vision, but had no idea it was something that could be corrected. She used to bump into things, walk off the edge or sometimes into people. She could not see if someone or something was behind or beside her.

Watching TV was a challenge because her eyes couldn´t watch the whole screen at once. If she tried to read a book, the words would be flashing and shaking. It used to give her a headache. She had tried everything and nothing helped, not even glasses.

It was a turnaround in her life when she started Vision Therapy.

She had doubts at first and was not expecting much to change. She had already been taught to relax her eyes or focus harder, and that had not worked for her.

What got her attention with Vision Therapy was how it showed her what was missing, and more importantly, how to fix it.

The best part was, she actually enjoyed the activities in Vision Therapy! They were quick, fun and she was really motivated to do them when she got home. Constant practice helped her to start seeing an improvement.

A month into her therapy, she noticed she could see better. She remembered clearly she was watching TV when she noticed her cat jump on his tower out of the corner of her eye. Most of us may not be impressed by this little detail, but for our client, this was the first time ever for her. She was never able to see anything out of the corner of her eye. Her peripheral vision was so limited that it made it impossible. Many people see this on a daily basis, and for her, the first time was a complete surprise. You can imagine the boost of confidence and hope it gave her to experience that.

Four months into her therapy and she felt her life change. She no longer bumped into things or walked off the footpath. She could watch TV like any other person. She could read and enjoy a book and not feel words jumping all over the place. She even read an entire book in two days!

After having headaches daily for years, she now felt the relief and freedom of not having a headache for weeks or months.

Our client was very committed to practising the activities we taught her when she was home. And her efforts were well rewarded. The process doesn't take a very long time, but it still requires commitment if you wish to see a change in your vision. She started her first week of Vision Therapy without doing anything but when she really put her heart into it from the second week, she started to feel a difference. Yes it's only 10-15 minutes a day, but even these few minutes are crucial. Consistency is a powerful skill here to have, and a game changer. Even if it's just two minutes a day, you are still practising daily. Baby steps count. A lot. And that's when change comes.

Letter from 16 year old Mikayla about her Vision Therapy
Letter from 16 year old M about her Vision Therapy

We are so pleased with M´s progress with her Vision Therapy. It was amazing to see her vision change, and to see her life change. When you can see clearly, it´s like having a new lease of life.

How do you know if your child needs a vision eye test? Find out more here about the symptoms you can use as a guide.

Meet our friendly Vision Therapists

Jullie Currie, Vision Therapist at Panoptic Vision, Optometrist Lake Cathie

Julie Currie began working as a Vision Therapist at Panoptic Vision in 2012.

She completed the OEP (Optometric Extension Program) for Vision Therapy with the Australian College of Behavioural Optometrists.

Having an extensive experience with Vision Therapy, Julie is passionate about all aspects of children's learning and development. She specialises in helping children reach their potential by improving their visual processing skills through a range of vision-related fun activities.

Bronwyn Mison, Vision Therapist, Optometrist Lake Cathie

Bronwyn has gained experience throughout her professional career in various industries including graphic design, communication, public relations, chaplaincy and teaching.

Her current role as a Vision Therapist allows her to combine her previous experiences with new skills to help children and adults with vision and learning difficulties. She enjoys being able to provide personalised care to patients and their families, developing individual programs in consultation with the Panoptic Vision team.


Contact Panoptic Vision

Panoptic Vision Lake Cathie

1459 Ocean Drive, Lake Cathie, NSW 2445

Tel: (02) 6584 8900

Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday By appointment only

Panoptic Vision Bellingen

2/58-60 Hyde St, Bellingen, NSW 2454

Tel: (02) 6655 2768

Opening Hours:

Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm


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