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Eye Focusing and Visual Perception Eyecare for Children at Panoptic Vision

Eye Focussing and Visual Perception

Eye focussing involves the accommodation muscles of the eye. These muscles exert pressure on the internal lens which for the first 40 or so years is soft and able to adjust to keep any task clearly focussed, no matter how close. These focussing muscles are often tired after sustained near tasks as they are being held in a state of tension. Fatigue of these muscles is a common cause of eyestrain symptoms including headaches and sore eyes but more commonly, poor stamina or comprehension and concentration for reading.

Vision perception is the interpretation of visual images. For the brain to understand what it is seeing, the images must first be collected accurately and comfortably. Any extra fatigue of the focussing muscles will require more attentional control and will leave less energy for perception. Since reading is such a complex perception task, anyone experiencing problems reading should be assessed for focussing fatigue. This could relate to children learning to read or are already experienced readers but are now having difficulty.

There are many international standardised tests that investigate vision skills such as visual memory, sequential memory figure ground, visual analysis, visual closer and visualisation. These visual assessment tests are available at Panoptic Vision through our Vision Therapist.

Vision perception can be assessed in many ways but there are many internationally standardised tests that investigate many separate vision skills such as visual memory, sequential memory, figure ground, visual analysis, visual closure, and visualisation . These assessments are available at Panoptic Vision through our Vision Therapist.

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