Hello to our past and present Vision Therapy Patients
Welcome to our January/February 2023 Newsletter
We are looking forward to another year of partnering with you to improve vision skills for life, learning and increasing confidence.
Now is the time to schedule an eye check with Panoptic Vision’s optometrists before going back to school. Perhaps Vision Therapy has been paused while enjoying a well-deserved break during the school holidays... it’s now time to get back into action!
Do you have questions or require more details about activities programmed for homework, we are happy to assist. If you are ready to schedule your next Vision Therapy session, please phone the Panoptic Vision team on 02 6584 8900 to discuss a time that is convenient for you.
We look forward to supporting you or your family member in 2023!
Snow Angels all year round
Snow Angels are not dependent on the weather! This activity develops awareness and control of body movement while strengthening knowledge of left and right. Practise this skill anywhere... even at a sunny beach!

Lie down on the floor on your back: arms at sides, legs straight and feet together, palms up.
Slide legs apart as far as possible keeping them straight while at the same time sliding straight arms out until the hands meet above the head. Then move them back to the starting position.
Practice slowly until it can be done smoothly. The aim is for the arms and legs to finish at the same time consistently - controlled, slow movements and equal on each side.
Back on Track Tips
Time to check your eye control for the new year and start back to your program. Tips to get started:
Schedule Vision Therapy practise into your day and allocate time. Is morning or evening best?
Place charts and equipment in a visible place so that they are easy to access and use.
Be aware of any body tension – breathe, relax limbs, and avoid rushing your activities!
Tick your feedback sheet and write comments to show progress.
Article about M
We are so pleased with M´s progress with her Vision Therapy. It was amazing to see her vision change, and to see her life change. When you can see clearly, it´s like having a new lease of life.
Your friendly Vision Therapist
Bronwyn has gained experience throughout her professional career in various industries including graphic design, communication, public relations, chaplaincy and teaching.
Her current role as a Vision Therapist allows her to combine her previous experiences with new skills to help children and adults with vision and learning difficulties. She enjoys being able to provide personalised care to patients and their families, developing individual programs in consultation with the Panoptic Vision team.
Contact Panoptic Vision
Panoptic Vision Lake Cathie
1459 Ocean Drive, Lake Cathie, NSW 2445
Tel: (02) 6584 8900
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday By appointment only
Email: info@panopticvision.com.au
Panoptic Vision Bellingen
2/58-60 Hyde St, Bellingen, NSW 2454
Tel: (02) 6655 2768
Opening Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm